Cassandra wanted to make a difference and with your help we can make that happen

She was passionate about adventure sports and the environment.

Through the Cassanga Fund we will be supporting & promoting unity & genuine inclusion of women in the outdoor sports & eco adventure community around the globe.
Values: Safety, Equality, Environmental Protection, Honesty, Passion, Integrity, Trust, Inclusion.

Cassanga's World

As time moves fast, days come and go,

We realise it’s not only about the candle that lights the way…
It’s about the flame, that lights the fire, that burns brightly throughout the day…

Continuing to burn into the night,
Helping us stay connected and keeping Cassanga in our sights.

We call on you as Cassanga’s community to hold her in your hearts,
And continue to light the flame as you all have from the start.

Touch others with our story and be sure Cassanga gets all the fame,
An inspiring young legend, adventuring was her game.

A Child, a Woman, a Daughter we held so very deep,
Our love for you dear Cassanga we will forever weep,

Please ‘give a dollar to help raise a million’, is the slogan for our campaign,
Please get on board and support us, as Cassanga’s passing simply cannot be in vain…

Or please support her cause by purchasing merchandise on this website with 100% of all profits going to the Cassanga Fund.
Thank you in appreciation for your kindness and generosity.
*The Cassanga Fund is a sub fund of Australian Communities Foundation