Our aim of the evening is for all participants to feel a sense of community and experience a sensory delight, discovering Nepal through Sanga’s eyes, in the comfort of your own home.

When: Saturday 28th November 2020
Time: To be determined by host


  • To mark the second anniversary of Sanga’s passing.
  • Bring people together to prepare and share a meal, reconnect, reflect, and remember Sanga.
  • Stimulate all your senses. Taste the sensation of a traditional home cooked Nepali meal, see some breath taking sights of Nepal, hear Sanga’s favorite Nepali music, smell incense and the sweet aroma of the Cassanga eternal spirit candle and be touched by Sanga’s love and connection of Nepal; a place she came to call home.
  • Promote Nepal, Sanga’s beautiful community of amazing people, the spectacular sights, things to do and places to visit.
  • Fundraise for the Cassanga Fund


  • Host candle lighting ceremony, with a minute’s silence, followed by a memorial tribute broadcasted via zoom.
  • Step by step cooking demonstration with a traditional Nepali menu provided by the Seven Women and Sanga’s Nepali community.
  • Lucky guest draw to the value of $1000 AUD
  • Games and fun activities
  • Sights and sounds of Nepal including images of the Upper Seti river and Sanga’s memorial monument.
  • Special guest speaker
    Stephanie Woollard OAM

Stephanie Woollard founded Seven Women, an organization which educates, trains and provides employment pathways for disabled and marginalized women in Nepal. 

Stephanie began Seven Women at age 22 after meeting seven disabled women working in a tin shed in Kathmandu.
These seven women were struggling to make a living in the face of harsh discrimination.
With her last $200, Steph paid for trainers to teach the women how to produce products for sale locally and abroad – and Seven Women was born.
In 2016, she was made a Rotary International Peace Fellow and was a recipient of the Rotary International Responsible Business Award presented at the United Nations in New York.
Stephanie was a nominee for Australian of the Year in 2016 and was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for her philanthropy and humanitarian work in Nepal.
She has a Masters in Peace & Conflict Research from Uppsala University, Sweden.


  • Host pack containing a Cassanga eternal spirit candle, Nepali flags and incense, recipe cards, traditional spices that are required for the meal and few other surprises.
  • Cassanga fund merchandise pack for the host that raises the most money on the evening.
  • Discount off the latest release “Getting a bit of Sanga in your life” t shirt
  • Allocation of a host number for the chance to win $1000. At the commencement of the evening Sue and Colin will light 108 candles, (keeping in line with the Buddhist tradition since Sanga’s passing), each candle will be numbered. The last flame burning wins, Sanga will work her magic and decide the winner.
  • Please note there is no charge for the host as ingredients for the meal will need to be provided by the host / guests.
  • All hosts must complete our online registration form and provide guest names and contact details prior to the event.
  • The cost to register is $150. Follow the link for payment at the bottom of the registration form.
  • The $150 host registration fee covers 5 people for the evening, either from the household or invited guests. Extra guests can attend for an additional charge of $30 pp (Co Vid restrictions permitting). Please Note: Additional guests must be registered and paid in full prior to the evening. Upon receipt of payment allocation of guest number will be issued for the guest draw.
  • There are limited host places available (108) for Australian residents only.
  • International guests are welcome to participate for a nominal fee $30 AUD and will be included in guest draw providing registration and payment is received prior to the fundraising event.
  • Registration for hosts will close two weeks prior to the event to allow for time to receive host packs.
  • If you are not interested being a host for the evening but would like to participate in the event, please register as a guest only. Cost $30 per person.


  • Sponsorship from companies, small businesses, or individuals to help cover the cost of expenses will be gratefully accepted.
  • All sponsors will be promoted leading up to, on the evening, and post event on the Cassanga Fund social media pages and website.
  • Major sponsors will be significantly highlighted on a promotional banner.
Or please support her cause by purchasing merchandise on this website with 100% of all profits going to the Cassanga Fund.
Thank you in appreciation for your kindness and generosity.
*The Cassanga Fund is a sub fund of Australian Communities Foundation